Monday, June 24, 2013

A Poem I wrote a couple years ago... Simple but deep... Analyze this

 A Nice Approach

MOve with the clouds, slowly but surely,
cut them loose like a theif... if theyre not moving maturely.

BReak it down like a branch, when it doesnt make sense,
keep that dog on a leash if you dont have a fence!

BUild it up like a temple... if u feel that its right,
stay dry like the desert, IT'll be alright.

DRain it like a pipe... when it starts to leak,
be aware like a guard when they start to speak.

HOld it down like restraining... someone gone mad,
forget it like the wind.,. and breeze on past.

EMbrace it like a person... whom you desire to have,
ATtend it like a bar and open a tab.

breathe it like its the last breath u may ever take,
treat it like a habit... that u dont wanna shake!

APply it like that lotion... that u love to use,
and then wear it like your favorite pair of shoes!

LIve life like a puzzle, find the spot meant for your piece...
and when you find it you know, cause it presses in with ease...

BE mighty like a lion... til the day that you die!
THen take off like a rocket... and go beyond that blue sky!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Poetry is a Part Of Me

 Poetry and word play is something I genuinely enjoy doing! Here is one of my poems that was published in WISE magazine...

It is called I Questioned God Why... I wrote this poem at a time when everyone around me was dealing with death and despair... everyone except me, but because I feel so closely for my friends and loved ones I was too disturbed and upset by they're pain. And their pain inspired one of my best poems.
I Questioned God... "Why?"

There is so much going wrong in this world, Lord won't you save us?...
from this life that seems it's been built to enslave us?

People Dying left and right, senseless murders are increasing
And it leaves me nervous to walk these streets as I see my loved ones deceasing.

My Question is simple.... Why?!
Why do we all live to die?

I believe theres a reason for everything, i just haven't figured that reason out,
And everytime I analyze one thing... a new problem comes about.

So why?.. why instead of constant bliss do people constantly cry?
Why is it that we get up only to be brought back down?
Why is it I cannot help as I watch my loved ones drown??

How can most of this world be in poverty, how can u let children starve to death?
Why is everyone in this world only worried about themself?!
Whats the point of living?.. how in vain is every breath?!

Why does our Government supress us and conform us to how they think it should be?
Why is it ok just because it's done legally??

Why are men & women Birthing children they can't take care of?
why is this world overflowing with hate... instead of abundant with love?

Dear father, Why are we here? I know your there... but why can't I hear?

I know we are not perfect but... but you could have made us that way if you wanted...
So why didn't you? How couldn't you?!!

Excuse me if I'm offending you by questioning your plan...
But I just can't understand the purpose of this greed and lust filled land..

So Lord take my hand, becuase even though it makes no sense still I must move forward.

I caught myself trying to figure it out as I dazed off where I was sitting...
I was 2 seconds from giving up, 1 strike away from quitting...

And Then you touched my spirit...
and I knew that you were speaking to me,
even though I could not hear it.

You said ...

"Gabriel My child these things are seen differently from where I'm standing,
and you will not comprehend because it's far beyond your understanding.....

So stop trying to figure it out becuz you won't know until I decide to uniform you....
I've still got plans for u on this earth, when you get your wings I will inform u...

I made u for a reason, every domino has an effect....
Some dominoes haven't fell into place and you just don't get that yet...

So keep walking the path your on I'll let you know if u go astray...
Just listen to me my child, I always have alot to say..
Keep inspiring others each and everyday...
& continue to speak to me because I love it when you pray!...

Stay strong my child & tell my believers to do the same...
& when Judgment day comes my children will not be ashamed!...

I know where your tears come from for I feel them when they shed...
I know every thought u think before it pops up in your head...

Please do not complain about what I place on your platter...
Instead feast my child!.. and make existence matter!

& Everytime u start to wonder and tears begin to stream...
look up to the sky...
and remember the day will come when you will no longer wonder why."

Written By: Gabriel Hart